Approved Calculators

Effective October 2022, the only models acceptable for use during the NSPS CST exam(s) include the Casio fx-115 and fx-991 models; Hewlett Packard (HP) 33s and 35s; Texas Instruments TI-30X and TI-36X models. The HP41 and HP48 are not allowed because they contain a communication link (infrared port) and an external memory card port.

Casio fx-115ES PLUS, $16-$25 via Amazon
Casio fx-991ES PLUS, $29.99 via Amazon

The HP 33s can be hard-to-find new but used versions can be found for $75-$100
HP 35s, Generally $250-$400

Note: The HP41 and HP48 are not allowed because they contain a communication link (infrared port) and an external memory card port.

Texas Instruments TI-30XIIB, $22 via Amazon
Texas Instruments TI-36X Pro, $22 via Amazon

The use of any device having a QWERTY keyboard / keypad during the exam is strictly prohibited. The following devices are also prohibited, whether or not they have a QWERTY keyboard / keypad function: Palmtop, Laptop, Tablet, Handheld or Desktop computers, Personal readers, Data Banks, Data Collectors, and Personal Data Assistants (PDA). Also, cell phones, cameras, scanners, video recorders or any other copying devices are prohibited.

Notwithstanding the above, the NSPS CST Board or its designees have the right to prohibit the use of any device which, in the opinion of the Board, poses a threat to exam security. Return to the LearnCST Study Bundle overview.