Water Definitions for Land Surveyors
water boundaries—Boundaries formed by the waters of a river, lake, sea, or another body of water. The general rule is that riparian boundaries shift with changes due to accretion or erosion but retain their original location if brought about by avulsion or by artificial causes. See also accretion; avulsion; erosion; riparian lands.
water gap—A pass in a mountain ridge through which a stream flows. water leveling—See leveling, water
water parting—The high land which forms the divisional land between two contiguous river basins.
water rights—See rights, riparian.
water supply—A volume of water that has been treated or is safe, and is ready for distribution.
water table-1 The upper surface of a zone of saturation except where that surface is formed by an impermeable body. 2 Locus of points in soil water at which the pressure is equal to atmosphere pressure.
watershed—The area contained within a drainage divide above a specified point on a stream. In water-supply engineering it is termed a watershed, and in river-control engineering it is termed a drainage area, drainage basin, or catchment area.
Source: NSPS “Definitions of Surveying and Related Terms“, used with permission.
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