Claim Definitions for Land Surveyors
claim—A right or title; challenge of property or ownership of a thing which Is wrongfully withheld; means by or through which claimant obtains possession or enjoyment of privilege or thing; under land laws, tract of land taken up by a pre-emptioner or other settler (and also his possession of it).
claim, adverse—An assertion of title, right, or special privilege of beneficial use of the surface, or an underground land-or-water area by one party in opposition to that of another, wherein judicial opinion may be required on the conformity with state law, or if public lands of the United States are involved, there must be an adjudication by the Secretary of the Interior.
claim, lode– See claim, mineral.
claim, mineral– A mining claim on public lands which contain minerals occurring in a vein or lode; lode claim.
Source: NSPS “Definitions of Surveying and Related Terms“, used with permission.
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