Exam Application Process
There are two key steps involved with arranging the CST exam. First, you must decide on an exam location (step 1a or 1b, below); as soon as that’s done, you can submit your exam application to NSPS.
Step 1(a) – choose a location: Examinees may choose from a variety of pre-arranged testing locations listed on the NSPS CST exam calendar.
In the event you cannot join one of these sessions, don’t fret! You can arrange to have the exam brought to you.
Step 1(b) – create the location. To have the exam brought to you, you must have an approved exam location and proctor. This can work for groups or individuals provided local gathering restrictions are observed.
To proceed, your proctor must submit the proctor application. More information regarding proctoring is available on the NSPS site. Note that online exams can be taken during the week and the 2nd Saturday of each month. Paper exams are not being offered at this time. If you cannot decide on a location or locate a proctor, submit an exam assistance request.
Step 2 – Complete your personal application or download the print version (to be mailed to NSPS along with payment).
Important: If mailing your application, please allow additional processing time and alert us.
Exam Fee Table for Certified Survey Technician (CST) Program Exam
Examinee = $180.00
Student, Active Military and Veterans = $120.00
Fees apply to all exam levels and are non-refundable. Discounts are available to NSPS members and large groups. Make checks payable to NSPS and direct all mail to:
NSPS CST Program
Attn: Sara Maggi
21 Byte Court, Suite H
Frederick, MD 21702
Remember, preparation is your responsibility. CST’s open book exam policy tends to provide examinees with a false sense of security. The CST exam sequence is a challenging, timed test. You must be prepared to move purposefully through 4 or more hours of testing.
Study, review, and practice in the CST work elements will prepare you for the wide variety of questions you’ll encounter on the exam. Past test results have shown that many examinees with extensive experience and, in some cases, even formal surveying education did not pass an examination.
Learn CST helps examinees focus on each level’s work elements, locate resources and plan for the exam more effectively. For more information, review our registration options and download the Learn CST course prospectus.