Intersection Definitions for Land Surveyors
intersection-1The procedure of determining the horizontal position of an unoccupied point (intersection station) by direction observations from two or more known positions. 2 In photogrammetry, the procedure of determining the horizontal position of a point by intersecting lines of direction obtained photogrammetrically. The lines of direction may be obtained directly from vertical photographs or by graphic or mathematical rectification of tilted photographs. 3 The general area where two or more highways join or cross, within which are included the roadway and roadside facilities for traffic movements in that area.
intersection, bearing; bearing method of—A method used to determine the location of a point of a triangle when the coordinates of the other two points are known and the bearings from those points to the third point are also known.
intersection, bearing; distance method of—A method used to determine the location of the third point in a triangle, when the following are known: coordinates of both other points, the length of the line connecting one o the points to the unknown point, and the bearing of the line connecting the second point to the unknown point.
intersection, distance; distance method of—A method used to determine the location of a point of a triangle when the coordinates of the other two points are known and the distances from those points to the third point are also known.
intersection station—See station, intersection.
Source: NSPS “Definitions of Surveying and Related Terms“, used with permission.
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