Property Definitions for Land Surveyors
property-1 The right to possess, use, and dispose of something; ownership, as in copyright. 2 A thing or things owned; possessions collectively, especially land or real estate owned. Commonly used to denote ownership, corporeal or incorporeal, tangible or intangible, anything that has an exchangeable value or which goes to make up wealth or estate. See also property, personal. 3 A specific piece of land or real estate. 4 Any trait or attribute proper to a thing, or, formerly, to a person: characteristic quality, peculiarity.
property, abutting—See abutting property.
property, community—Assets accumulated through joint efforts of husband and wife living together; community property is equally owned by the husband and wife. Community property does not exist in some states.
property, personal—Property consisting of temporary and/or movable items that are not permanent parts of real estate. Personal property is distinguished from real estate by taking into account 1) the manner in which it is annexed; 2) the intention of the party who made the annexation (that is, to leave permanently or to remove in the future); 3) the purpose for which the property is used. Generally, and with exceptions, items are considered personal property if they can be removed without serious injury either to the real estate or to themselves. See also property.
property, real—See real property.
property line—See line, property,
property rights—See rights, property.
property survey—See survey, boundary; survey, cadastral.
Source: NSPS “Definitions of Surveying and Related Terms“, used with permission.
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