Resurvey Definitions for Land Surveyors
resurvey—A retracing on the ground of the lines of an earlier survey, in which all points of the earlier survey that are recovered are held fixed and used as control. If too few points of the earlier survey are recovered to satisfy the control requirements of the resurvey, a new survey may be made. A resurvey is related directly to an original survey, although several resurveys may interpose between them. See also resurvey, dependent; resurvey independent.
resurvey, dependent—Conducted to accomplish restoration based on the original conditions recorded. The dependent resurvey is conducted by first identifying existing corners and other recognized and acceptable points of control of the original survey, and then restoring the missing corners by proportionate measurement in harmony with the original survey. This type of resurvey is used where there is fair agreement between the conditions on the ground and the records of the original survey. Titles, areas, and descriptions should remain unchanged. See also resurvey; resurvey, independent.
resurvey, independent—A resurvey which is not dependent on the records of the original survey but is intended to supersede them in establishing new land boundaries and subdivisions. It is made in areas generally having both private and public lands represented in the tract to be resurveyed, and where the ground evidence of the original survey is lost or the descriptions of the earlier survey are irreconcilable. An independent resurvey is accomplished in three steps: the out-boundaries of lands subject to resurvey are first reestablished, following the method of a dependent resurvey; the private lands are then segregated, with due consideration for the bona fide rights of the claimants; and new boundaries and descriptions are established for the remaining public lands. See also resurvey; resurvey, dependent.
Source: NSPS “Definitions of Surveying and Related Terms“, used with permission.
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