Section Definitions for Land Surveyors

section-1 That portion of a line of levels which is recorded and abstracted as a unit. A section always begins and ends on a bench mark, either temporary or permanent. when in the main line of levels or on a spur line of levels. In the case of a spur to a point, the elevation of which is determined by means of an extra foresight, the section must begin on a temporary or permanent bench mark and end on the point on which the leveling rod was held when the extra foresight was taken.2 [USPLS] The unit of subdivision of a township; normally a quadrangle one mile square. with boundaries conforming to meridians and parallels within established limits, and containing 640 acres as nearly as possible.

section, fractional [USPLS]—A section which, in its original form, contained one or more subdivisions of less than forty (40) acres due to irregular exterior boundaries, or due to the encroachment of a meandered body of water or other land which could not properly be surveyed or disposed of as an aliquot part of that section. Sections are also frequently rendered fractional in closing the surveys on the north and west boundaries of the township because deficiencies in measurement caused by error of survey or convergence of meridians are placed in the half-mile closing against these township boundaries. When a fractional section. where opposite corresponding quarter-section corners have not been or cannot be fixed, due to a meanderable body of water, Indian boundary line, or by an approved claim at variance with the regular legal subdivisions, as represented upon the official plat, are subdivided by use of due north and south or east and west lines, as the case may be. See also township fractional.

section, half [USPLS]—Any two quarter sections within a section which have a common boundary; usually identified as the north half, south half, east half, or west half of a particular section.

section, normal1The curve in which a plane through the normal at a specified point of a surface intersects that surface. 2 The intersection of a solid with a plane through a normal to the surface of the solid.

section, quarter [USPLS]—One-fourth of a normal section, formed by dividing a section into four parts by lines connecting the opposite quarter-section corners, and containing 160 acres as nearly as possible. The quarter section is a unit of description of the public lands; thus, the “northeast quarter, section 10” is the legal description of that portion of section 10 of a given township lying east of the north-south center line and north of the east-west center line of that section.

section, quarter-quarter [USPLS]—One-sixteenth of a normal section, formed by dividing a quarter section into four pans by lines connecting the midpoints of opposite sides, and containing 40 acres as nearly as possible. The quarter-quarter section is a unit of description of the public lands; thus the “northeast quarter of the northeast quarter, section 10” is the legal description for that portion of section 10 of z given township lying east of the north-south center line of the northeast quarter and north of the east-west center line of the northeast quartet of that section.

Source: NSPS “Definitions of Surveying and Related Terms“, used with permission.

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