Slope Definitions for Land Surveyors
slope-1 The inclined surface of a hill, mountain, plateau, plain, or any part of the surface of the earth. 2 The inclined surface of an excavation or of an embankment. 3 The angle at which surfaces deviate from the horizontal. 4The angle between the tangent to the beach at the high water line and the horizontal; foreshore.
slope, sewer (or drain)—The inclination of the invert of a sewer or drain expressed in percentage of length, as a decimal, or as one footfall of a given length.
slope, side—The slope of the sides of a canal, dam, or embankment; custom has sanctioned the naming of the horizontal distance first as 1.5 to 1 (or, frequently, 1.5 :1) meaning a horizontal distance of 1.5 ft to ft vertical; a better form, not subject to misinterpretation by thoughtless transposition, is 1 on 1.5.
slope chaining—See slope taping.
slope correction—See correction, slope.
slope distance—The straight-line distance between two points on a slope See also distance, horizontal.
slope rights—See rights, slope.
slope stake—A stake set on the line where a finished side slope of excavation (cut) or embankment meets the original ground surface.
slope taping—Taping wherein the tape (or chain) is held as required by the slope of the ground, the slope of the tape measured, and the horizontal distance computed; slope chaining.
Source: NSPS “Definitions of Surveying and Related Terms“, used with permission.
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