Subdivision Definitions for Land Surveyors

subdivision- 1 An unimproved tract of land surveyed and divided into lots for the purposes of sale. In some areas, the term “subdivision” is synonymous with “development,” i.e., land upon which improvements are made before sale. 2 [USPLS] The subdivision of a township, such as a section, half-section, quarter-section, quarter-quarter or sixteenth-section, or lotting, including the lot, section, township, and range numbers, and the description of the principal meridian to which referred, all according to the approved township plat.

subdivision ordinances—See subdivision regulations.

subdivision plat—See plat subdivision.

subdivision regulations—Locally adopted laws governing the process of converting raw land into building sites.

subdivision survey– See survey, subdivision.

Source: NSPS “Definitions of Surveying and Related Terms“, used with permission.

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