Supplementary Text
Once you’ve decided on a “master text”, we advise all examinees to procure copies of the following:
NSPS “Definitions of Surveying and Associated Terms“. Essential for any surveyor’s library or individual planning to take a CST or survey licensing exam(s), print copies are available from the NSPS store for $35 + $14 S/H. This compact and easy to handle text covers over 500 new definitions with modifications to approximately 150 others, all specifically related to land surveying in the United States.

Also from NSPS and uniquely designed for CST, “Jack Keen’s Surveying Flip Chart“, available from the NSPS store for $15 + $5 S/H, is a must have for anyone set to take the CST exam. Jack’s famous flip charts offer a quick and handy reference for Units and Conversions, Trigonometric Concepts, Pythagorean Theorem, Law of Singes and Cosines, Quadratic Formula, Equations, Triangles, Distance Formula, Intersections, Area of Circle and much, much more…

The Red Cross Emergency First Aid Guide is a compact, 4” x 6” full-color, reference pocket guide which provides emergency care information for a range of situations, including first aid, cardiac emergencies, stroke, burns, choking, allergic reactions, and more. Packed with 88 pages and 73 colorful first aid illustrations, this guide is an excellent value at only $3.95 + S/H.

Now it’s time to review approved calculator options, an essential selection for anyone pondering the NSPS CST exam.