
Labor Day Upgrade Notice

Greetings, LearnCST users!

Over Labor Day weekend, our production team plans to install a handful of upgrades that may cause the site to appear under construction for a short period. We usually attempt to make changes on or around major holidays to minimize user downtime.

As with everything we do, our goal is a streamlined, more efficient system (and process) for site users such as yourself. Please “pardon our dust” as we push ahead with the latest phase of this year’s upgrade plan…

If you’re a member of our Fast Track session I encourage you to keep tabs on completion schedules for Q3 as we’re on the verge of opening enrollment for Q4. Look for additional announcements and calendar updates soon.

As always, please do not hesitate to contact us if you have questions or there’s anything we can do to assist.

To your success!

Glen W. Thurow, NM PS, CFedS
Lead Instructor, LearnCST